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Australia’s biggest patient platform
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Australians use HotDoc
bookings made every day
An easier way for patients to book their first appointment
Get found in seconds
Easy-to-use filters help patients search for your psychologists, location, opening hours, practitioner gender or language spoken.
Have absolute control over your calendar
Choose which appointment timeslots to show for each practitioner.
Want to triage patients? Get all new patients to schedule an intake call before they see a psychologist.
HotDoc integrates with coreplus, Cliniko and Nookal for seamless bookings
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HotDoc Profile + Online Bookings
Available for practices using coreplus, Cliniko or Nookal
HotDoc Profile
/ new patient booking
Access to over 9 million patients
Online bookings
Seamless integration with coreplus, Cliniko and Nookal
Customisable profile
FAQs for psychology practices
You will only be charged for a new patient booking if you wouldn’t get that patient if you weren’t on HotDoc. Therefore we follow these rules:
– It’s only a ‘new patient’ when that patient is not already in your PMS.
– The appointment is booked via or the HotDoc App.
– You can install the HotDoc booking widget on your website but you will never be charged for a booking via that widget.
– We will never buy search ads to target patients who are searching for your practice name on Google.
If you believe you’ve been charged for a new patient incorrectly, please email [email protected] and we will credit your account with no questions asked.
Patients can find and book appointments via, the HotDoc App, or the HotDoc booking widget on your practice website.
We currently integrate with coreplus, Cliniko and Nookal. This enables HotDoc to seamlessly communicate with your appointment book to read available time slots and write appointments back in.
The security and safety of your practice and patients’ data is our highest priority. We will never sell patient data. If you want to read more about how we protect your data, visit our security page here.
You can cancel your subscription anytime! Please email [email protected].