What's New

We’re always adding to the HotDoc platform to improve the experience for both practices and patients.

Direct to Practitioner Payouts for Quick Consults is Now Available!

Exciting times! You can now directly payout practitioners for their completed Quick Consults.

Quick Consults is here!

Patient scripts and referrals are sent directly to your doctor’s computer, saving your team valuable admin time.

Doctors can now restrict their online bookings to existing patients.

Plus, it’s customisable per practitioner and based on when they last saw the patient!

Bulk Billing consent form update

We’ve updated our feature to ensure it’s compliant with the new Medicare benefit form approved by Services Australia for Telehealth bulk billing

Digital MyMedicare patient registration form

We’ve digitised the MyMedicare patient registration form and created a MyMedicare Broadcast template, both of which are now available in your HotDoc Dashboard

Telehealth Bulk Billing consent feature

Our latest feature streamlines written consent for all Telehealth bulk billed appointments, including those booked via HotDoc or through your practice.

Need help?

Visit support.hotdoc.com.au or email [email protected].