The Pros and Cons of Telehealth
COVID has increased the popularity of telehealth. Is that good or bad? We examine both sides of the issue.

How Australians Prefer to Book Specialists—60% Say ‘Online’
Which Australian patients prefer to book specialists online? We share our survey findings here.

A Remote Working Doctor’s Checklist of Requirements
Make sure you’re ready to begin operating your GP appointments remotely and safely with this helpful checklist from a lawyers perspective.

7 Findings from HotDoc’s Telehealth Patient Survey 2020
We surveyed Australian patients to see how they feel about remote Telehealth appointments. See the results now so you can offer the best service.

A Checklist of Telehealth Considerations for Practices
Get a lawyer’s perspective on the ways your practice will need to prepare before you start offering remote Telehealth services for your patients.

A Message to Medical Professionals on Mental Illness Diagnosis
The author of Brain on Fire discusses the complications of mental health or psychiatric diagnosis and how doctors can help their patients with a more thoughtful diagnosis.

What is Telehealth? The Basics and Benefits
Should your practice offer telehealth appointments for patients? Find out how to manage care and privacy while offering GP video consultations and why it’s so popular.

72-Hours to Build a Booking Product for Australia’s Respiratory Clinics
HotDoc partnered with the Department of Health to build a scalable bookings product for respiratory clinic bookings in just 72 hours. Here’s how we made it happen.

A VR Solution Taking the Fear Out of Needles
Discover an innovative new way to reduce the fear and pain patients associate with needles.