Our new Caller ID feature is helping practices manage phone traffic in a more personal way.
When one of your patients calls the practice, they’ll be automatically identified by their phone number and you can access useful details about them in a few clicks.
But Caller ID is more than just a way to identify callers! Here’s some of the other ways it can help your team.
Keep track of who you’re speaking to

No need to worry about tricky spelling or forgetting who you’re speaking to when their name is on the screen.
When the waiting room gets busy, front desk staff have a million things to keep track of at any one time. If you miss their name at first, or get distracted by something going on in front of you, you won’t lose track of who you’re speaking to with Caller ID. You can also see if any patient alerts have been added to their file.
Even if the call gets disconnected, you can check the call log to call them straight back and pick up where you left off.
Better for families
When a parent calls your practice on behalf of their child, Caller ID will let you know that there are multiple patients saved to that phone number. You’ll see their names and ages so you can easily access the right family member.
It also makes it simpler when they want to book in for multiple family members at once, with each of them just a few taps away.
An easier way to verify the caller

The feature identifies patients by their phone number, but being able to access their details straight away means you can quickly confirm their identity. Simply ask them to confirm their date of birth or their home address for extra security and privacy. Then you can compare it with the details on your Sidebar.
Get to the point sooner

It’s not just about knowing their name. Being able to immediately access patient details means that you can get straight to the reason for the call. You can easily see if they have an upcoming appointment, whether they recently received a recall message, or if they have received a payment request.
It means things move faster for you, and it saves the patient explaining personal appointment details. Especially if they’ve had to call from a public place.
Simplify the way you manage missed calls

Caller ID’s call log is a great way to track missed calls and who placed them, making it easier to manage the workload without missing a beat. You can see at a glance whether the patient has successfully called back after that missed call. If you do need to return their call, you’ll be able to see their recent communications and past or upcoming appointments which can give you some indication of the reason for their call. Then you can remove the missed call from the log once you’ve spoken to them.
Please note: These icons may look different depending on your phone provider. This may impact your ability to identify missed calls in the call log.
Ready to make your phone calls easier?
Check out the Caller ID feature on your dashboard to start making the most of it today, or visit HotDoc Academy to learn more.