What's New

We’re always adding to the HotDoc platform to improve the experience for both practices and patients.

Direct to Practitioner Payouts for Payments

Easily set up practitioners to receive payments directly to their own accounts.

More customisable Reminders settings

To make the Reminder settings more user-friendly, we redesigned the layout with more options to edit and update your appointment reminders.

Enrol patients at your practice for MyMedicare

If your practice has registered for MyMedicare’s Voluntary Patient Registration model, you can start informing your patients and capture their interest in registering at your practice.

Easily get telehealth video bulk billing consent

Practitioners can now select item numbers to claim and prompt patients for their bulk billing consent during video consults. When accepted, it automatically writes back to the Practice Software.

Never miss a message in your Dashboard again

Forgot the details of a feature update? Go back in time and scroll through recent releases, improvements, and tips by clicking the Messages button at the top right corner of your Dashboard.

Slash your to-do list on the Recalls summary page

Easily access Recalls information, check their progress, and see an actionable summary of tasks to complete on the brand new Recalls summary page.

Exempt bulk billed patients from adding card details

Streamline the patient journey by exempting certain patients who are usually bulk billed from adding their payment method online.

Need help?

Visit support.hotdoc.com.au or email [email protected].