What's New

We’re always adding to the HotDoc platform to improve the experience for both practices and patients.

Search by the patient’s name for Reminders

You can now search by the patient’s name on the Future Reminders, Unsent Reminders and History pages to see if the reminder has been sent/not sent and check the status of this reminder.

Push notifications for practice booked payments

Practice booked payment requests will convert to more completed transactions now that we send a push notification in addition to SMS and email.

Pre-authorise Repeats payments

Stripe users, this one’s for you. Stripe now pre-authorises the full amount for repeat requests and only processes the payment when you click “Approve” on the Prescription or Referrals Requests page.

Easily pass the Payments processing fee on

Forget manual calculations and sticky notes on your monitor with appointment costs written on them. You can now automatically pass the payment processing fee on to patients.

Check out your practice’s Broadcast credits

Not sure how many Broadcast credits your practice has available? If there are available credits, you’ll see the balance on your Dashboard.

URL update in Recall SMSs

Patients will now see hotdoc.com instead of htd.io in the Recalls SMS link they’ll have to click on.

Availability calendar

On the new availability calendar, you’ll have a visual overview of your practitioner sessions, custom session, and hidden sessions.

Need help?

Visit support.hotdoc.com.au or email [email protected].