What's New

We’re always adding to the HotDoc platform to improve the experience for both practices and patients.

Payout practitioners directly

Set up individual practitioner payout accounts to automatically settle consultation fees via HotDoc.

Easier Payments reporting

Payments reporting and reconciliation have become much easier with the new and improved reporting page. Find more search filters, subtotals, payment status and type, and bulk reconciling.

Mobile patient alerts

Control a patient’s ability to book online appointments at your practice by creating a patient alert using the patient’s mobile number.

Payments Processing Fee Reduced

Reduced payment processing fee

Payments, Repeats and Referrals have become a whole lot cheaper now the processing fee is reduced from 2.75% to 1.75% (+ $0.30) per transaction.

Secure HotDoc accounts with MFA

Secure HotDoc accounts with MFA

Add an extra layer of protection to your HotDoc account by enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). MFA gives you the choice of either receiving a verification code by email or through an app when you log in.

Request payment details upfront

Request payment details up front

Simply send patients a payment request by SMS or email for all types of appointments directly booked at your practice with practice booked payments.

More flexibility with consent and custom forms

More flexibility with consent and custom forms

Consent and custom forms just got a lot more flexible with an extra setting where you can choose how often you want patients to fill in the form.

Need help?

Visit support.hotdoc.com.au or email [email protected].